MIA leather Moda hotel Rustic aged 15 years old girl who does not want nothing more than the. Life, wan passed without anyone with her, which she made was that intended, but then everything just changed. When her 16-year birthday is coming in two weeks the service class that your mother live in Brno, where she never fully j. found it before it sends the request to her to find news, with a description of the actual status, grandmother is that she is not the child she thought all plain whether she is but she is a Princess, hereditary dynasties and j. found no expectation that one day in the future, she will receive the position of the Queen. To country, instead of her father who died in the accident to.From the simple life. No need to be careful. Don't worry that it will impact anyone with adjust itself to both a style from head to toe dress. Hospitable Speaking. The concept, as well as learn the rules, and many of the lessons her mother provided much of this life is busy enough already, but it was also a matter wun. When lily is angry that close friends to the party rather than join the activity, radio with her and she is also a journalist of the newspaper photograph while working party, and the news that her conduct was not suitable for the position, the Princess.With regret, and despondency. She had intended to relinquish the position hereditary Princess. During that time the notebook's father was sent to her through the books, filled with anxiety, including messages and lessons that her father has learned throughout life. It is the inspiration, there have been changes to the original view.
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