Introduction: Online social media have gained astounding worldwide growth and popularity which has led to attracting attention. From variety of researchers globally. Although with time all generations have come to embrace the changes social network. Has brought about teenagers and, young adults are the most fanatic users of these sites.According to various research studies in the field of online social networks it has, been revealed that these sites are. Impacting the lives of the youth greatly. When using these sites such as Twitter Facebook MySpace there, or, are both positive. And negative effects on the youth.
It is inevitable to ignore the fact that nowadays social network plays an essential. Role in teenagers lives. 'Most youths are spending at least an hour in these popular social media sites. Generally 1 out, of 7 minutes which are. Spent online by most of those who can access Internet is spent on Facebook according to Shea Bennett. One may ask how spending. All that time on the social media sites may have a positive impact on, Well them.Social media helps the youth and any other user updated with what is happening around, the world help the teenagers stay. Connected and interact with each other even if they are many miles apart. This strengthens their relationship even if they. Finished school and moved to different locations they stay connected and update one another.While on one hand social network sites seems to bring people together and connected on the other hand it creates social. Isolation in regard to BBC News report. As the youth tend to spend many hours on, these sites they rarely have face-to-face. Interaction. According various studies scientists', evaluation determined that social isolation can lead to a host, of emotional. Psychological.Physical and mental problems which include anxiety depression and, somatic complaints among many others.Other negative. Effects of social networking various people suggested included encouraging poor spelling and grammar exposing underage,, To, online predators allowing spread of misinformation that is perceived, as factDecreasing productivity as those who are supposed to be working spend time in the sites, to chat provide a perfect platform. For cyber bullying and providing details that increase risks of identity theft, In addition.Social media sites have provided a platform whereby the youth can create groups and pages based on their common discipline. And end up building connections and opportunities for their respective careers by updating various topics to discuss. Youth. Who have been interviewed they say that social media has become their lifestyle and it makes their lives easier and efficient.
. Conclusion:Social networking to use properly. Because of the Social network it has, both advantages and disadvantages vary. If we. Take the right way to use it is useful to themselves and others. But if used in the wrong way. It may be a bad result, followed. Perhaps you may not be able to fix anything. And it may be dangerous to the society as well
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