Wat Sai Ngam, located west of det UDOM district. Away from the bus station, DET UDOM district about 1 kilometers. Founding a monastery in 2009.2515 relies on forest area public (cemetery) housing market, the 25 Rai, no trees, arid กันดาร
.Wat Sai Ngam comes from the det UDOM, faith in terms of congratulate of Bu cha สุภัท of ortho วัดหนอง the pastures from det UDOM district is to worship God to guide practice
.หลวงปู่ชา สุภัท. Of ortho is mercy send rector manifold. ยสทินฺโน, which originally was the UDOM Board of supervisors to sleep in this temple, the Temple Branch 10 Nong PAH Pong
.Normally this temple, is God, today is every year about 8-10 figure, because at that moment. There is a temple which is a network of forest when many of the Then sent the Buddha a student on the field!Temple of Sai Ngam is complete when the templeThe present 2545 space 130 rais, wide canal 8 meters deep 4 meters. The excavated soil up to do คูดิน temple wall trees instead of the fence. Noise. The announcement from the community noise has been difficult because the land walls, wall trees.And can benefit from a water storage น้ำป็ intelligent moisture to the tree. And it is also a source of cultivating aquatic animals as well. There is growing lotus species also help to reduce the temperature in the summer as well.2544 receive annual award the gold from the pope in the son needle tirasak ชฯ Siam, crown crown prince. When the 5 August 2545
.Temple of Sai Ngam hold the teachings like wat Nong PAH pong. The teaching focus to Buddhists and wise, to solve problems by themselves, rely on the diligence is the location.By using mindfulness determine in practice. In order to concentrate and causing the wisdom to solve problems. This is because no temple amulets amulet. Doesn't give the amulet. Avoid to monk.Philanthropy is not popular to raise funds. If you want to ask of faith.
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