In July 2545 the Management Committee. Fishery Thailand - Indonesia from meeting the country. The concession fishing in the South China Sea to fishing boats, wooden boats 60-150 gross tons or iron 100-400 tons gross total of 4,000 gross tons by the conditions in practice in Thailand, the fishing boat. The key to fishing in Indonesia. Is required to pass an examination and issue a certificate. Certified by the Department of Fisheries, Thailand, Indonesia, the first to be considered. According to the State of the State to regulate fishing together. And the more types of instruments floating seine, trawl 4,000 and 16,900 gross tons in the South China Sea and Arafura respectively floating seine 2,130 gross tons in the sea Arafura floating seine 1,720 gross tons only in the South China Sea in 2546 the ship. Fisheries to be financed jointly with the operators in Indonesia or its business in Indonesia for fishing boats to fishermen in Indonesia, Thailand only •. Indonesian Marine Fishery Resources a variety of opportunities for activities Fishing diversified • The latest fishing in the waters of Indonesia to allow fishing boats Thailand into 3-way, if a vessel flying the flag of the no. Exports of fish and taxpayers be protected from custody. Official Indonesian • Joint investment schemes The MOA It is useful to investors in Thailand to use. Benefits allocated to the Indonesian authorities, Indonesia Action under the model. Thailand invested enterprises can invest more flexible. (In a ratio of greater than or less than operators in Indonesia have) •. Trading patterns, the ship was an opportunity to sell the ship to Thailand with a lot of entrepreneurs in Indonesia to fishing.
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