เพราะศาสนามีความสำคัญต่อจิตใจและเหมือนเป็นการเสริมแรงในความเชื่อผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) 3: Because religion is very important to the mind and as a reinforcement in the faith.นั้นคือ ศาสนาศริส
Because religion is important to the mind, and as a reinforcement in the belief the results (in English) 3:Because religion is very important to the mind and as a reinforcement in the religious faith is at Sri.
Because religion is important for the mind and the reinforcement of the belief Results (English) 3:. Because religion is very important to The Mind and As a Reinforcement in The Faith. It is a religion Prof. Chris.
Because religion is very important to the mind and a reinforcement results in beliefs (English) 3: Because religion is very important. To the mind and as a reinforcement in the faith. That is, religion Professor Rhys