- burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, etc.), releasing carbon dioxide into the บรรยากาศเพิ่มขึ้น site. Although carbon is not the site to create the most impact. But it is the gas man who cause the most.
- the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere site was the highest, in 150 000 years
- expected a decade 1990 is the hottest decade in history. And in 1998 (the 2541) is the hottest year
.Also accept together extensively in the following things
- heat increases in level one, that is, the story 1.3 degrees Celsius. (2.3 degrees Fahrenheit) when compared to the levels before the industrial revolution. May is inevitable when considering the greenhouse gas emissions to the present. To define the hot is lower than the 2 C (3.6 Fahrenheit) is necessary to prevent the impacts from global warming,
.If unable to control greenhouse gas emissions, global warming 100 years. Forward will occur more rapidly than ever since the beginning of human civilization,
.] is very high on a mechanism of climate will lead to the changes of สภาพอากาศแบบ immediately and cannot return the same. No one knows that global warming will be more severe, how to stir up.
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