- you know money to dine in the price should be, such as fried chicken fried chicken shop KFC with Thai general, is that it is fried chicken. The size is equal, but the price is far distant, eat chicken, KFCThe remaining money to buy the needed other less. The rest of the money save less at the time of the incident, emergency up life is hard and miserable. On the impact and overall is if everyone ate chicken KFC savings of the whole system, it will be less.Because the savings in the bank is enough to raise capital. Need to borrow money from abroad come again. The country's budget deficit. If would weaken the theory. Besides eating chicken KFC 100 baht money into Thai baht 3070 baht, which is royalty money flowing out of the country again
.- use of the preferred affordable, such as cars, as close to possible between the Mercedes. With the Japanese car production in which a car too, run, too. But most people want to choose a car BenzBut many people would know that the car is an asset depreciation value day by day in proportion to time and life. So, the US car sales. The price of expensive cars will have the value decreases.Many people use expensive cars. The Europe was robbed a centre pylon. Because the repairman people generally fixed. To enter the center only to change equipment produced in foreign countries.He saw the importance of his social status by car as show house. But choose used cars worth at a reasonable price, the other is similar to the 1.Overall, people will benefit from the money we pay much less a different matter. Many of the products it too expensive price because we pay for intellectual property. More than the cost of the goods or royalty own
.- consumer goods with savings. We can see that our household to consume goods with a loan, such as loan to buy TV, mobile, Louis Vuitton, etc., then have to suffer the double head a bar.Which was born in the United States and malignant tumor which is to spread the economic states, blast soon. The principle is, we must first understand that Consumption and investment are different, as if you buy a cell phone.It will make the money back to you. This is called as an investment. But if you have no brings to use. But because others have. That's called consumption, what is an investment, it will return back.But those consumption. The product you bought it will be valuable to decline to consume every day without any return. If you consume products with lots of loan The whole country it will be affected. You can't have money to invest.Who can recover investments have been organized into the quota of money. You borrow out consuming. Last, I need to borrow money from abroad. In the country's budget deficit. If would weaken the theory
.- spend money on something useful. For example to lift the concrete easy is to send SMS into TV, as you know. Only developing countries and people have no idea only to send SMS popular.A lot of Thailand. As we sit watching TV. We wondered who sent the SMS into will ประโยชน์อะไร. The conclusion is only fun. Useless in the concrete anything someone sent SMS several thousand a monthWhich is used to save the wrong about much, which we think, board, R.Should be able to supervise in this section. For the benefit of the nation
.- promote the purchase of products manufactured in the country. The Thai people we may have a conscience. In this, quite a few? If you notice how many national prosperous powerful nation nationalism is often very high, such as Japan, Korea.China, however, due to the same goods The nation will choose to buy goods. Produced in his country. Products manufactured in the country has a chance to try the market, improve product and accumulate capital to do about R & D sales.US foreign purchases of over production in the country. The money will flow out of the country as well. Like the water dry up from the pool. Instead, people will benefit from Multiplier Effect or multiplier using next around.But the money back to flow out of the country. Thai, but labor sales only. Products brands of the world, such as LG,,, Samsung Haier TCL Huawei grew up from the market in the country before. No one jump out of the country and grow up. As the former have Thai television brand tanin But now disappeared from the market, because people do not support
.- no vices, this is the easiest. But the problem is buried deep vasodilation of Thai society. Because of the lottery on both soil underground. It came out ยุบยับมาก size to see the world cup. The house also has a price to newspapers.It makes us no savings. When no savings. Finally rely on loan consumption again
.- you know invest in something useful and gain knowledge sufficiency economy don't stop, we do not use money. Only use the benefit ourselves, such as investment in assets that create more values.From buying a useful book to read to a seminar, go sight-seeing, business trips, etc. the summary. The sufficiency economy. Used in our daily lives. Can money worth money savings.Not.
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