Title: Rolling plastic bottle
student: Mr.Thanakorn Uttar a
Janewit Mr. Deer Creek
Branch: Production
year: 2557
Education: Bachelor Lampoon portfolio invention milking bottle. The objective of the study is To create a rolling plastic bottles And Efficiency The work of milking a plastic bottle. To learn about adding storage space. By creating a machine to reduce the size of the plastic water bottles, plastic bottles that consumers prefer to use disposable or keep a number of objectives that vary. Plastic bottle milking machines to test the speed of the motor. The hypothesis for the study of plastic extrusion machines to operate with a power transmission belt. And plastic bottles can run over the workers, the implementation of the project. All parts are designed with solid Kraftwerk and test the feasibility of the program. And create a piece based on a set with a composite body. Then perform functional testing Overall, the first roller is quite large, but rare. And changed to a smaller roller and brought to trial for the performance of plastic bottles results of the project found. A plastic bottle made usable quality. Plastic bottles can be rolled flat rather than manual labor. And plastic bottles can not be mass. The principle theory test of the motor. You can help speed up the labor board properly concluded to build a plastic bottle. Effective compared to manual labor to machine operation. And can run over Compared with the weight of the machine. It can be used for continuous feedback should build small and compact. And reduce the cost of building the machine. And protective parts entirely more dangerous. And building the capacity to produce more.
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