Why do we like to do risk. A person unexpectedly as gambling card ยี่อิ surgery or jump out of the plane. And sometimes not money reward it is, of course, that do take that risk.But the range of joy joy short A short time wouldn't make those who like to do any chances to take risks, that way again!
.A research of the University of Vanderbilt's Nashville, Tennessee, and of the College of medicine Albert Einstein. New York. Bring the new version released the report said.This is a joyful, makes some humans tend to in life is like, but what เสี่ยงๆ
.Report of the researchers who published an
published journal of neuroscience, stating that the brain of the reckless not afraid die there are receptors antibodies chemicals
.Dopamine is low, which means that the The brain of the type for chemical dopamine is denser than that, which is why they take risks, around and try anything weird. New continue, such as driving too fast.To squander money gold too. Drug addict, and may even
.The results of previous research, which was conducted on rats indicate that I, which is promising. To check out of doing risk more. In the new environment is a trend that there is little chemical substance against dopamine receptorsPsychiatry, David, Saul. University of Vanderbilt to find facts, that proposition that happen to humans?
.Professor David, Saul. Said that the result of the research out match the expectation is man made. What risks actively suddenly be receptor antibodies. And control information.
.The fact that received support theory, Professor David, Saul. That people like to do what the risk. The chemical dopamine in the brain as overflowing! When getting experience. The managed data themselves, and so on.Risk, risk behaviour, because the new BAE makes them feel open doors, as they like addicts seek happiness badly. From drug addiction
.The Dr. Bruce Cohen, director of Institute of Frederick, silly, hospital of Max Kane's Boston and a professor in psychiatry. With is of the opinion that there.Up may help researchers find that more effective therapy with repeated lost to
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