Drinking water is less evil laphon you? Water less and don't like drinking water. In addition, it is not healthy, the water still affect many body systems; The body of the people, more than 70 percent water. Blood over 90 percent water. It consists of 22 bones we water our body water percentage waste 2 liters per day scraps. If we do not have sufficient access to water, treated water is missing. The internal organs are abnormal blood vessels out of whack to concentrate harder at the heart to pump blood to the body parts, the heart nourished the contracted tonnes. The memory will deteriorate or become Alzheimer blood brain, because not enough feast. Blood flow to the intestines, it is dry, make tons of constipation. Because of complications, a society in a hurry Workers sitting on the computer often don't want to get into the bathroom. I don't like to drink water which will cause frequent urination, but if a patient says that the memory is reached, disease management is poor drinking water 2-3 glasses per day may not exceed 500 c. c. Make blood thicker, high-fat. The doctor often for blood clot to dissolve the medication. Make it clear to people in the water, but like blood, settling, but still use the water carry silt out anyway. It will not return to the same blood vessel blockage. The origin of the waste are available: Channel 5. 1. kidney urine. 2. the colon of stool through. 3. the lungs through breathing. 4. the skin through sweat. 5. (for women) around a month through menstruation. When the drive channel is not a complete waste. The body would then have to try to find a way out, such as acne blemishes, if we ritsiduang Freckle abscess symptoms, as it may indicate that the body of the rotten inside as the alarm should not be overlooked. To eat or not, the only way injection in treatment or cure. The defense is better than edit later!
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