Hi.Since a lot of people are starting to take the initiative and report botters (thanks by, the way makes our jobs much easier). I wanted to take some time and hopefully give some tips / guidelines to make the process much easier:First, things first you will be required to post adequate video evidence of the person. This means you "ll need a program. Like Fraps Bandicam or Hypercam etc,,,. There are questionable ways to obtain these programs for free but I, am not going. To cover that. The only exception to this is if they flat out admit to botting or key weighing.Secondly I want, to cover what adequate video evidence means. We are going to start requiring that your evidence be at. Least three minutes long this gives, the person in question enough time to respond to you if they just weren "t paying, attention. None of us have the time to sit and record a suspected Botter all day long so three, minutes should suffice. You must include. A lie detector attempt in your video (if the person is attacking). To do this access Quick Move talk to, the first NPC Utilize. " Various controls ", select" Test if someone is botting "and input their character name. If they do not resume attacking in. The next 3 minutes of, your recording that will be enough evidence to justify a ban.* side note: If you "re reporting someone who isn" t attacking you won "t be able to lie detect them just make, sure your video. Proves that they were using a skill that should not be automated (skills that are on autobuff do not count skills like,, Kishin or Battle Mage Auras or Beast, Tamer cards do count) theUploading your video is the easy part. The only hard part of this is if you choose to render your video. If you have a. Program like Sony Vegas you can render your video through that to remove audio reduce the, file size or add, effects (not. Necessary), etc. Anyway once you, have your video file you can upload it to a site like YouTube or through a service like. Vidme if you prefer not creating an account. If you choose YouTube please make your video "unlisted" not "public or private." ""TL; DR (person is attacking): if you want to report, a Botter you need to provide a video that is 3 or more minutes that. Consists of them attacking and you lie detecting them unless they admit flat out that they botted.TL; Dr: (person is leeching): if you want to report a Botter who is leeching you need to provide a video that is 3 or more. Minutes that consists of them using a skill that is not meant to be automated (automated skills are skills that can be pet. Buffed).Threads that do not follow these guidelines will be the discarded.If you have questions any, usual as, free feel to PM me.
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