Landslides have occurred in the country. Will happen when the heavy rain for a long time. The water will seep into the ground until the soil saturated cannot absorb water in, due to pressure of water in the soil increased (Piezometric. Head) increases the pressure in the gap of soil (Pore Pressure) push soil movement down the ลาดเขาได้ easier. In addition, the water to replace the gap between grain soil adhesion between ดินลดน้อยลง tablets. Result in soil is the flow resistance of soil decreased safety of slope reduced (Wara wood enterprise, sort, 2546). If the water content of the soil increased until the soil saturated with water. The water in the soil and higher level of soil surface to the flow on the soil surface, and erosion of the face of the earth. The safety of the slope can be reduced to half of the normal (Glawe 2004), mean slope began moving in the plane of deformation of soil. And if it rains continuously for a long period of time. The water will flow into the plane of the displacement flush soil is clay out along the XZ made labor, the cohesion of soil displacement, plane Decreased greatly. Causing landslide down the slope of the mountainside.
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