Toss a coin 2 coins 1 times results in Sam Temple space is (H, H) and (H, T) (T, T) (T, H) refers to the first medal and the medal design 2 heads (H, T) means that the first coins issued under. The medal design 2 tails
Toss two coins one time in sample space is (H, H) (H, T) (T, T) (T, H) means the coin first issued the coins of the two heads (H,. T) represents the first dollar coin heads tails out of the two.
Throw coin coin 2 1 times results in sample space is H H (,) (,), (H T T T) (,) refers to T H coins first head out and เหรียญอ that 2 head out. (H T), mean coins first heads coin, a 2 tails out.