How to clean a cream cheese Monte1. make jelly smell rat Berry finished by doing more then khangklong gelato Te nalalai (2) into the jelly mixture mixing well enough. Tracy put the fresh prepared rat wearing a full Berry type. Imported chilled until set a prepared2. put gelatin (1) melt on the hot water.3. hit the vibe with cream head hitting the Phuket Aquarium, using the maximum speed until very soft peaks area in the city.4. Beat cream cheese head by hitting the leaves using the maximum speed of the machine, until soft; Sugar water mixture until it hit the housing together More sweet condensed milk lemon juice lemon skin, mixing until the ingredients together well. Shut down Pour the mixed bath supply5. gradually Put the cream, prepared to hit the vibe mix in ingredients that gently with a basket 4 all together enough to hand the Phuket Aquarium. More gelato Te nalalai poor ingredients together well. Pour the mixture into the prepared pie dough Imported frozen until a set decorated with Berry jelly prepared rat and Berry strawberries, beautiful.
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