Scout reservation: age 8-11 years against the class. 1 lb-4 lb There motto is do best. Annual Scout: age 12-13 years, compared class. 5 lb-6 lb There motto is prepared. Annual Scout model: age, 15-17 years old against the class. M 1-3 m, has a motto is look too far. Scout age 17-23 years of extraordinary: compare classes. M 4-6 with m.SC. motto is service. Scouts: age 15-18 years of spoil the motto is waste chipaya has. Women's section, called "girl guide", and classified as Scout. In 2463 delivered representatives Scout Committee Thailand The number of 4 people to join World No. 1 Scout Rally (1st World Scout Jamboree), which is the first building in the world at the Olympia, London, uk. 2009 Boy Scout Council of Thailand have 2465 admission as members of the General Assembly of the World Scout at that time with a total of 31 countries, all countries, 31. The first version of the Member or members, such as to establish the General Scout (Foundation Members) in the world. B.e. 2467. delivery agent Board of Thailand 10 Scout to Boy Scout Rally at the second world country Denmark. King Rama was Phra mongkut 2468 1911 head passed November 24 2468. 2009 2454 (r. 1911) his Majesty Crown 1911 heads. King Rama vi he founded the venture Scout Thailand When July 1 1937 2454 In 2463 (r. 1920) sent representatives to the Board of Thailand Scout Boy Scout Rally world. 1 point in England. Prof. pap. 2465 (1922), a national Scout Committee to the General Assembly of the World Scout. B.e. 2467 (r. 1924) sent representatives to the Board of Thailand Scout Boy Scout Rally world. 2 at country Denmark 2009 2470 (r. 1927) national Scout Rally held at time 1 (1st National Jamboree) 2499 years (r. 1956) is a member of the Office of far eastern Scout who recently established the EEA is now 10 countries. B.e. 2504 (r. 1961) celebrates 50 years of Scouting anniversary Thailand. ปี พ.ศ. 2505 (ค.ศ. 1962) เป็นเจ้าภาพจัดการประชุมผู้บังคับบัญชาลูกเสือภาคตะวันออกไกล ครั้งที่ 3 (3rd Far East Scout Conference) ณ ศาลาสันติธรรม
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