The bat they selected. Once upon a time There are bats considered their wings like birds and other animals, it has a handle like a general, so when they go to the lift with the birds, other animals, bats, it would not. Side by side, take a neutral, but when they had bird's that will to win. Bat announced it to the birds.Chin picnic ham "I ask the guys with them, with the. We are the same they are identical ". Yes, birds, but she don't mess with animals, walking kinda soil.Subsequently, they succumb to the birds, other animals, bats, sanction, it flits from birds to other animals, they. Bat boy, we request you are they the same person?Lions ' owner is the same bird? "The bat "o isn't the same birds have ears like servants to those they do not like birds." the bat. We don't ever mess with animals with wings. If the lions don't get it I received the Lord. Until one day, when the other animals contract the Armistice and friendly toward each other. We that we should terminate the war we saw anything HES?? In addition to friends, gradually.Lion I think mine owner Us to end the war on TER NOK OK The bat we'd be with ye? The birds go, we don't have a date, the owner is with us, for sure. It's selfish, than the lion. The Wolf away from the forest, this let's us not to accept the Lord. Thou, thou, sorry just bats behave objectively. The Wolf Does not have to excuse why don't you go out. The infamous bat hidden in the cave, it is out of the cave to find the. The food at night only.The story of this teaching that the "lack of sincerity, no one wants to associate with.
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