It is often used to send the rice girls as Songkran khu is the girl everyone put rice container. The other one holding a container with rice to send as temples to God before I get down to the monks or Sala merit from the locals, and do not water the girls in the water temple, khetboriwen, please wear women's clothes fall must through. Sacred temple grounds, but after sending rice and then watering has been measured, Songkran, solid traditions. In addition, there are also sending rice Songkran bathing monks. By setting a date to go bathing monks, Abbots know. It will create a facade the coconut with bathroom flooring slabs, cut short his visit for bathing. Rail connected into a reasonably long arch. This is to let people get water at each other through the establishment of more water to villagers in more water, this water will be held in about 2 pm after I fed the place God salakphat is captured or offering food offerings to the monks and priests would tee.Have high down to bathe before senior? The locals are used to draw water in their tightening more poured into the rail. The water will flow by rail into the facade pour. In the meantime there are people waiting to stop villagers pour takonbok. This is to rub his sweat, and the villagers were men will rub khlaiphra sweat. When the monks one bathing so he would finish it in water to remove the villagers baked shallot, water pouring down in the gutter with water contaminated with it. The water is considered a blessing and are charity causes a cold.
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