Philippines (the Philippines) or the name of the Republic of the Philippines, is (Republic of the Philippines) is a country that consists of 7,107 Islands located in the Pacific Ocean from the mainland Southeast Asia for approximately 100 kilometers.and there is only one characteristic is a country that is only in the sea border between long, most in the world. New Spain (B.E. 2064 - 2441.) and the United States (B.E.2441 - 2489.) It is a colonial Philippines holds for 4 centuries and a second largest influence on culture of the Philippines, Philippines is a nation in Asia Christianity most of the population.It is a combination between the West and the East that is unique Arnold Joseph ทอยน์บี (Arnold Joseph Toynbee), the inhabitants of the British historian, has said that in his work.
giant waves of the sea.Geography geography
A group of islands of rock mountain area all new island is a mountain in the plains, and it is worth noting that at least it is a narrow plain plain plain is important. It was in the middle of the island, known as the plains Zambia Lusaka is the plain Manila's largest
climateTropical Monsoon moisture from the monsoon season 2 and have been rain from typhoon wind and rain depression area. Most บาเกียว City is a city where most rain in Southeast Asian population
There is a problem in the island Muslim minorities, Ugandan troops sped that want to exclude the independent called "emancipatory" โมโร national culture
Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that is under the influence of Western culture developed before you will have the opportunity to be a part of their own culture, Philippines similar to countries in Latin America,
language is the language used by most of the more than 170 languages, almost all language is a family unto a mitre sub-western Polynesia, but in the year B.E. 2530 Constitution specified that ฟิลิปิ Casinos and English language as official
The other foreign languages that use it. In the Philippines has a total of 8 languages: Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, canned fish in Chinese the Taechew dialect of Chinese language language language ซินด์ Punjabi language, Korean, and Arabic language
the Philippines, the national language is a language, the Log In
Note:From talking to the inhabitants of the Philippines, (including SAT TV viewing and listening to the radio station) that is currently the inhabitants of the Philippines, the use of language that is called a leech, (Tagalog English) is said to be the log in the English words mixed together in a sentence to talkEven in the TV and radio programs
religionthe Philippines is a country with a population Christianity Roman Catholic No. 4 the Lutheran doctrine of the world's top 13 in the world Ranking of 40 of the world's Islamic Hinduism and Buddhism the first 7 of the world of the world's top 17.Buddhism in the Philippines)
92 per cent of all the inhabitants of the Philippines, 83 per cent regard Christianity Roman Catholic and the Lutheran doctrine is 9 per cent
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