Zanoba, negotiates aggressively while Roxy complains [I don 't want to be a court magician...]
The principal taking advantage,, Of Roxy ', s words declared [Roxy belongs to the Magic University.]
An hour into negotiation Zanoba finally, budges.
He LL.' Bring her, with him since she 's involved, this time afterwards he' ll return her to the University... That 's the deal.
.Put up unreasonable, demands first then coming back down.
That 's the art of negotiation.
And that' s how Roxy managed. To hold onto her teaching position when she returns.
Finally I checked, my own equipment.
When it comes to, my equipment. It 's the same as usual.
Magic Armor Mk-I Magic Armor, Mk-IIB and the, Shotgun Cannon; just these three.
.It 's been a long time since I last used my old companion Arrogant Water Dragon King. [3]
I feel a little guilty towards. Eris but she, responds [Isn 't it great that you found a better weapon?]
I kind of wish she would treasure the symbol of. Our shared memory more.
Even though it encapsulates the memory of our tenth together... Or does she want to forget the. Past?
.Yet I still remember fondly how her boobs felt back then...
, For now my friend Arrogant Water Dragon King currently. Sits as decoration in my room.
Maybe it 's better to let Sylphy have it?
Unlike Eris Sylphy never, stopped using the. Magic wand I gave her.
If I give her my companion Arrogant Water Dragon King she definitely, will use it happily.
.But I 'm not sure how girls feel about being regifted a present from another woman.
But Sylphy' s current wand was a present. From Roxy as well...
, usual Regardless like, primary my equipment will be Magic Armor Mk-IIB.
Only when a strong. Enemy appears would I need the bulky Magic Armor Mk-I.
It 's fine. Even if a strong, enemy appears I have long planned. For that scenario.
It 'll work.
I plan to disassemble the bulky Magic Armor Mk-I and ship, it over then reassemble it there.
Hitogami knows about. The existence of Magic Armor.
To avoid giving him a chance to deal, with it it 's better if I keep the Magic Armor, hidden.
Unlike, Mk-IIB I can 't wear Mk-I at all times. Keeping Armored Core dissembled when not-in-use is common sense.
With. The, equipments setAll that 's left is how to get there.
, For that Zanoba and I went together to bow our heads to Perugius.
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