31. help excretory system work effectively. Because it has substance, pectin acts pull lots of water in order to increase the amount of feces, thereby stimulating the excretion, and makes the feces soft shooting much easier.32. it helps prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.33. the Tealeaf (,).34. Solanum torvum help heal peptic ulcers caused by an anti-peptic ulcers caused by the use of drugs, alcohol and stress.35. the liver36. Solanum torvum nourishes the kidneys help to prevent and treat symptoms of renal toxicity caused by chemotherapy cancer treatment used.37. fresh leaves used as pain, joint pain (live)38. solve the bruising39. Edit from insect bites by the use of water extracted from the pumpkin stem (for example).40. a swollen abscess treatment helps with Nong41. the use of fresh leaves, poultice abscess crack faster. Help make the abscess collapse (live)42. Solanum torvum helps treat eczema Liver spots, according to the skin (for example).43. help cure skin disease (live)44. in Cameroon, the use of fresh leaves to help stop the bleeding (live)45. the effects of dry food helps bring enjoy grilled treat bacterial infections.46. the effective anti inflammatory Prevention of acute inflammation.47. help preserve the footprints with bringing the fresh root, pounding and then phokboriwen around the foot (the root).48. also resolves, by live root disease of corn came pounding and then phokboriwen that is corn (root)
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