Profile of seahorses General Description: seahorse is a fish known as "a camouflaged hunters" because they can be camouflaged to blend in with the environment to survive. Seahorses are cold-blooded animals Vertebrate Breathing through gills Is in fish, but is shaped differently from other fish species and have different life cycles. The head is like a horse with a long mouth jutting out into the pipe. Transparent pectoral fin on the back of the cheeks and a dorsal fin, but one that has changed is the tail. Curl for about objects in the water or stick together while mating. The length of the tail on the straight is long, about 25 centimeters body surfaces are black or yellow or purple and can change color. Bull will look different from females is a pouch (brood pouch) and acts as an incubator for the birth of the son of habitats. : Seahorses live in the main mussel barge pole or clumps of algae in coastal seahorses are found in coastal area of the eastern Gulf of Thailand.
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