terrain, polish is the second largest country in Europe
capital Warsaw
territory, North West, on the Baltic Sea. With Germany
south, adjacent to the country shake and Slovak
.East, adjacent to Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuanian and Russian
Polish lakes are two very minor from Finland is available to 9, the 000 of
.Climate, Polish air 4 season by the summer temperature is about 15-30 C and the temperature around 0 - 25 C
.Polish rule rule a president and parliament, elected by the president, and in a position each time 5 years, the house of Representatives has 460 seats. The Senate has 100 seats, both 2 Council position each time 4 years
.The current economic system economy, Polish liberal
currency. สว็ Charlotte Di
1 USD = 3.30 สว็ อตตี้ and 1 สว็ Charlotte Di = 12.6%
bank open on Monday through Friday. Time 08.00 - 15.00.
.Language, the official language is a Polish language family slave (Slavic) Polish part speak Russian and German
population 40 million people. Mainly the pole that Ukrainian people, Belarus, German and Lithuanian.
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