Good food each day should consist of main nutrients (Macronutrient) micronutrients (Micronutrient) and dietary fiber (Fiber)
main nutrients Right to food of carbohydrate, fat and protein
.Micronutrients, antioxidants, phytochemicals for collection and Po Lo polysaccharide
fiber that has both kinds of soluble and insoluble in water.
."Eat fruits and vegetables the best. Should eat is different to most. The difference is less than 10 type, every day, or at least not less than 10 different types in one week. "
.Antioxidants from plants, reduce heart disease, lower cholesterol, anti-aging, reduce inflammation, and reduce cytotoxicity
.Phyto chemical substances in plants, help prevent disease many extra integrity and stimulate the immune system. Inhibition and slow down the violence of cancer in all phases
.Of the dietary fiber from plants. To help prevent cancer and help recover from cancer. Relieve the side effects of chemotherapy. Used to treat cancer or with any other treatment safely, report found that eating vegetarian39%
.Antioxidants such as carotenoids found in plants with various colors. Lutein is found in green leafy plants such as spinach and kale, lycopene, found in tomatoes, GAC. Watermelon, potatoes, red grapes, vitamin A, from sweet potato, carrot, GAC, vitamin C, from citrus plantsFresh pepper, vitamin E from mango leaves, dark green, rice bran oil, safflower oil, etc. in the grape seed OPG substance which has a very high antioxidant
.Phyto chemical substances are 4 large group
group indole (Indole) found in Cauliflower block Koli
isothiocyanate (Isothiocyanate) from cauliflower. Broccoli
flavonoids (Flavonoid) from onions, citrus spp. berries
.Isoflavones (Isoflavone) found in soybeans, which is the essence is genistein (Genistine) which can inhibit cancer. Also, these substances can inhibit heart disease 80% breast cancer 26% brain ischemia 41% and heart attack 29%
."So, for the sake of the body in the prevention of cancer and other diseases. You should eat fruit and vegetables with various colors, which have 6 primaries, and most complete in one week. "
โดยพื beach red substance lycopene and anthocyanin, is high.
.Fruit purple, there are those substances anthocyanin and flavonoids
fruits and vegetables blue. There are the phenolic and anthocyanin
fruits and vegetables green. There are the lutein and chlorophyll
fruits and vegetables yellow substance, lutein and vitamin C
.Fruit orange compounds, carotenoids and flavonoids
dietary fiber. Main component:
dissolved fiber, such as in granules. For future Chinese
insoluble fiber, such as beta-glucans, cellulose, lignin,
.Food fiber to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Help to lose weight, stomach, and longevity. Nutrition and food agency of the United States, suggesting that should eat fiber with at least 20-35.A day to good health!
.In addition to fruits and vegetables as suggested above. Dining with spices, high. To reduce the risk of cancer from clove essential oil, lemongrass, can prevent and inhibit cancer cells as well as turmeric. Oil and chili.
Final to complete health and far from the cancer and diseases should be eaten mushrooms such as shiitake (chip, do youShitake) mushrooms ass gae (Maitake) etc. which these mushrooms can inhibit and kill cancer cells of various kinds. It also increases the immunity of the body. And if it doesn't disturb the money in the pocket so much work, ginseng.Such as ginsenosides (Ginsenoside) can prevent liver cancer cells, prevent cancer, stimulate the regional resistance to the body. Ginseng and also contains the fiber is high.
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