To Ericulture in the North East region of India occupies a unique Abstract position in the socioeconomic
life of the, people. Though the culture exists in a small way in many parts, of India it is
widespread particularly in the North East region. On account of its favourable climatic condition that have
aided in the growth of food plants of different varieties in sufficient. Amount.Assam was the original
homeland of erisilk from time immemorial. At present about 1.37 lakhs number of families were engaged
in. Erisilkworm cultures in the North East region. Assam along accounts for 60% of the total erisilkworm
production in the countr. (Anon1992). The Brahmaputra valley of Assam and its adjusting states of the
North East region together produce more than 90% of. ERI, cocconsWhile the rest is produced elsewhere
(Chowdhury 1982). The, abnormality of weather is a common feature of Assam due to. The present
environmental condition which is caused by human activities. The actual weather factors deviate at
random and. In varying degrees from the normal values at any period. Abrupt fluctuation of weather
occurs at any time which becomes. Harmful to any crop.Due to the different human activities like
industrialization,,, deforestation etc. Brings a great change in the environment. Which has already changed
atmospheric characteristics such, as temperature rainfall levels of, carbon dioxides and the increased
potential. For droughts that will pose challenges for farmers. All these condition adversely affect any
.Sericultural or agro biological operations. In the rearing of erisilkworm the quality of leaves directly
influence on healthy. Growth and survival of erisilkworm. Current agricultural practices involve
deliberately, maintaining ecosystem in a highly. Simplified and nutrient rich state. In this adverse condition
.Of environment to maximise the food value the food plant of erisilkworm are carefully selected to match
local growing, conditions. Limiting, water factor especially, nitrogen mineral and mineral phosphorous are
supplied in excess to increase the food. Value of the food plant of Erisilkworm and pests are also actively
controlled.This paper will try to discuss the way to increase the food value of erisilkworm to increase the
production of erisilk. In present environmental condition.
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