The causes of poverty?While the cause of poverty is completely self foundation and Telecommunications (2547). Conclusion it 4 reasons include1. Economic means to cause the shortage of assets income, whether it landed capital, human resources. The chance to find that these assets. The result is that the poor families often faced with poverty permanent. Economic factors include1.1) size of the arable land from the study of the World Bank (2001) found that if the rural population have increased land ทํากิน 1% can reduce the opportunity to fall in the state. Poor about 0.1% also. Also found that the land is very important. If a tenant (instead of the owner of the land). To increase the chance of falling into poverty incidence to 30%.1.2) opportunity education work of the World Bank (2001) found that households with adult education until the end of primary school or secondary school, at least. The risk of falling into poverty incidence can be reduced to 66-74% compared with households with no education. And if educated to university level. The chance is reduced to the 90%.1.3) the economic downturn Warr (2000) showed that after the crisis in 2540 Thailand proportion population considered poor cent 6.15 in 2539 cent 8.58 in 2542.2. Structural population, the World Bank (2001) found that large family will likely fall ในภาวะ poverty over the small families. Also, if the family has the same size. A family with the proportion of adults at risk to poverty rather than less.3 geographical factors, it was found that the living in the Northeast sector. They are vulnerable to poverty increase to 56% while if the shelter is located ในกรุงเทพมหานครและปริมณฑล. The opportunity to become the poor will be reduced to 80%.4. Factors, social and cultural aspects. The author ever listen to Dr. honor, set up business varnish. In an interview on radio about the survey of people in question start that you think you are poor?)
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