A study of the participation of the people in development plan only in the case of a local government organization studies:Sub-district administration organization has left some purpose 1) to study the participation of the people in development plan of A local government organization Compare level of participation of the people from personal factors such as gender, age.For information and recommendations about the participation of the people that are in the development of local administration of the sub-district, some left
The statistics used in the data analysis and hypothesis testing consists of average values and standard deviation values of the uncertainty to test the single hypothesis One - way with statistics ANOVA
The study found that most respondents in this sample group is a female aged between 35 - 59 years old, have a income from 5, 000 - 10,000 Baht, and a high school or lower than ambient factors in overall average level consists of news and information on the knowledge and understanding of the medium levelWhen you identify a found that the income of the practice is in the mid-level of monitoring and evaluation is in at least the level of the assets at least. Editgender differences in participation in local organizations plan to develop different different ages. participation in the development plan of A local government organization, decision making vary.the practice of the different studies vary, participation in the development plan of A local government organization to perform different
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