Flag of the Philippines on the flag is a white triangle sign instead of equality and brotherhood which is within the white triangle is composed of. Sun RADIUS 8-point star surrounded by stars 5-point star number 3 Sun. That all symbols are the gold for the rest of the flag is split in half by the length of the bars on the bottom bar with blue and Red
.This is. If both the color bar has a red bar is up above the blue bar below shows that the Philippines is in the war. Best color and symbols have a meaning as follows:
.Blue stands for peace, justice and the truth
Red means love and valuable national
.The Sun has a radius of 8-point star represents the first 8 provinces of the country in which an attempt was made to. In order to claim independence from Spain through the revolution occurred in 2439 (1896)
.Daosamduang means that the country's geographical area is divided into 3 major parts as follows: Luzon. Island of Mindanao, and the islands of wisayan