At present, we often found that Thai people don't eat vegetables high vegetable intake and eat fewer vegetables, where these issues are national issues, because this problem does not occur in only child alone, but happen to adults by the survey, and found that the Thai people eat vegetables, fruits, daily average of approximately 186 grams per day, while the World Health Organization recommends eating vegetables and fruits each day, about 400 grams equals how man Thai vegetables intake approximately 1 in 3 of which should be received only from statistics also found that since the year 2544 (2001) the intake of fruits and vegetables, low-cut Thai.Consumers, but turned back to eating meat, fat and sugar dough rise and then also turned to eating plants such as the head, more flour, potatoes, green vegetables and fruits, so clearly reduced.This project group has made experimental films production that is consumed from the easy-to-eat cereal.Like candy to the experiment, this time to help reduce the problem children don't eat vegetables and vegetable Prep is hard to turn to consumer interests, vegetables.Even more, and also reduces bad breath as well.
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