The characteristics of the card version 3
- a rectangular 5.4 cm wide, long 8.4 cm. The card is white and has a blue line card ยพื้น across both sides
.- front of the card is in the middle of a Garuda letters "identity card" on top. "
-" Department of education "are on the left. The word "Ministry of the interior." On the right the Garuda below the signature official
.The card issuer and seal
- the back of the card identification number, the top row is 13 The principle which is the same set of numbers that appear in the registration, the next will have B
.8 principles, which indicate the number 2 first round of issuing cards. The main 6 later refers to the number of card, the next
down left there's a photo of the holder บัตรเป็น form natural color. The line shows the height is cm. The right to be
.List of card holders include name, last name, date of birth, day out card. The บัตรหมดอายุ and address the
.The development that is considered a highlight of the card, this version. Is a photo card holders are colored pictures. Print list card holders with the PC
.The prevention of counterfeiting coating material has a unique special anti-counterfeiting ยสัญ picture
sing and "administration". Embedded in the material can not be visible with the naked eye.
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