Noen Phra Nang (old) First, this is a matter that is before me friends. Your brother's mind [108] the street Berry Cheesecake She attends this University once located at nithet was younger, it has bought incense comes to shift between the pranang walking in the aisle (noen Phra Nang is the building behind the old nithet. Aisle that will sift through the building to noen Phra Nang nithet. The child will be called luep nithet nithet) The mild burn joss sticks it up friends try 1 mind is incense, Skunk, people complain. Before you pull the incense in hand, a friend to the Earth embroidered front noen Phra Nang. Mind talks that as soon as the wind blows very strong incense embroidery. Microwave until the storm blows a strong pan-friends mother gathered up a big apology. I had the opportunity to try this impersonation. Time: approx. 4 to 5 pm, throw a desirable vs. ghosts around this are good. Noen Phra Nang page stand. Incense up 1 point (point 1 is that the recipe for the incense to call ghost) before it will be embroidered Czech wind conditions around the calm well at all. Yes, he does not in any way, but only enough soil into each embroidered with a thriller plot, Sir wind comes immediately and then gradually blow came with the non-krachokhokhak form at all. From the beginning, and then tell me that I do not believe the apparitions, it did not believe the case anyway, but never thought to himself. Here in science describes not a now notifies what do call a friend at all. Friends, I extinguish bokaya incense is strictly prohibited. If the call comes, then extinguish the incense-like layout, chasing a pig dog reverse layout must purchase before I knowed layout of la red tide by apology flowers-step purchase. Before waiting for the incense of naturally extinguished it.
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