Second crop production forecast as of October 2558, December 2557, with an area of 10.71 million Arํ crop yields 6.70 million
tonnes of paddy. And technically the Arํ 626 kg compared to 2557, with an area planted 15.19 million Arํ produce 9.75 million tonnes
of paddy yield fruit in Arํ 642 kilograms planted area, production and yield fruit in Arํ declined by 29.49 percent, 31.28, and
percentage. 2.49, respectively, face-planted area is expected to decline in all sectors compared to 2557 due to the overall amount of water in
the dam, medium and large Yํ workable. There is less upside in 2556 by the North Central Eastern and
Western. Of rainfall that fell in the area above the dam is less than the normal face. As a result, less water flows into the dam as well. The accompanying
rice prices are likely to decline. Enable farmers to reduce planted area. The farmers switch to crops that use less water than face Echํ as nuts,
soy, green and billed as the face of its Lํ. For the technically Arํ Expect upside down from 2557 as farmers expanded area of
cultivation than facing water allocation plans. The crops get enough water, fruit Amํ the growing
output Soํ market. The market will start off Soํ แtํ February - October 2558 is expected to leave output Soํ facing many market
Chํ meniscus in March-April 2558 the volume of 1.91 million tons and 1.99 million tons of paddy rice. Or as a percentage of
28.43 and 29.66 percent of the total rice output, respectively.
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