Several decades Teaching and learning a second language has been less important. Linguistic scholars have seen the importance of vocabulary and today is recognized as the primary basis for lessons that can be learned easily and get attention. Learning from vocabulary to be difficult and challenging for most people to learn foreign languages. And take time to remember the words. The dictionary is a tool for basic communication. Teaching vocabulary in recent years. Can be attributed to the way of teaching. Which is recognized in that period. Changes to the course. Throughout history has reflected the change activists. In theory, the nature of language and language
teaching in the 20th century, is divided into nine methods include grammar 1. 2. 3. Read translated 4.Audiolingualism 5. 6. cognitive situation. 7. compassion and understanding for others 8. 9. communication
and teaching in each of these methods will be discussed briefly in the next section
, grammar translation method. Grammar is part of the methods used in the teaching of classical languages. The teaching of modern languages. Dominated the teaching of foreign languages. And how it is used widely. And is the basis of language learning. To be able to read literature And learn grammar and vocabulary. Supporters of this approach has been chosen as the basis for the principles of psychology, learning theory. The thought of memorizing vocabulary. Grammar and translation Give learners the opportunity intellectual growth. Vocabulary is a familiar part of the lesson. The most common is to translate words and phrases from the target language as their mother tongue. The dictionary is a tool for learning. Students must find antonyms or synonyms in reading or define words they discover in reading. But this method does not focus on communication
at the end of the teaching methods have failed Supermarket. To produce students who can communicate in a foreign language they have been studying how this emphasis on being able to use more analysis. Unlike other methods of teaching, the primary goal is to train students to communicate and have a vote. In this way, the students are expected to emulate and practice the target language unless they are trained, fluent and accurate.
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