Tower BridgeThe London Metropolitan which is a symbol for a wonderful Exchange program work this Phat engineering over the River Thames and the passage of time.For the people of London and the Tower Bridge is an important part of the infrastructure of the city. Support the vehicle safely cross the River Thames up to 40000 car per day but for many tourists. Twin towers-pictures explaining which featured high above the horizon, it is easy to see with the eye.Tower Bridge construction was completed in 1894 to resolve traffic flows into massively. In it, the bridge is amazing engineering. Nearly 400 workers who must be accommodated and take eight years before construction is completed by the laws of the city, these two towers were designed to have characteristics of architecture corresponds to the Tower of London at the nearby, and today people all over the world are different, these two towers known as the symbol of this metropolis property.You can up the stairs or elevator up to the roof, with two walk the path that connects the two towers together. This tract was originally designed to be a push with the foot while the bridge is raised to the ground. But at present, this pathway is a gallery and exhibition space. Spectacular views overlooking the river. the affordable ticket prices!Each day there are more than 50 bridges raised flooring by using the hydraulic system is to turn highwayman and water according to the River Thames with a dense. It is currently working with the electrical system and will stop the traffic while the lift bridge. Estimates for each year is 1000 times the bridge.Those who love history and engineering must be ensuring our Tower Bridge Exhibition. This exhibition shows the details of the construction and history of the bridge, as well as announce events with many legendary, such as "the fly get through." By those deadly shoe to pilot watch room, voice touch and modern Victoria to the smell of the bridge in the mind a steam power.And don't forget to carry a camera Tower Bridge by bridge, it is a place where most people take pictures of London. This bridge is extraordinary during sunrise and sunset. Those taklong arrived from all over the world gathered in one corner that is nearby.
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