Greedy algorithm (English: Phineas and Ferb) is a television series, comedy, Animation Comedy broadcast the first day 17 August. In 2007 on Disney Channel and broadcast on 1 March in 2009 the ITV England
, the main characterPhineas Flynn (Phineas Flynn) / sound by Vincent Martella
age gender: male - less than 15 years
high - between. บัลจี ตต์ and Isabella
. American nationality- Phineas is the son of Linda Flynn. Have you named Candace Flynn and a half-brother named it, FERB Fletcher. He always invent invention with FERB by a strange บัลจี ตต์ Isabella Buford engaged to 46231 Girl Scout Group.Always say "FERB!Today, I know what to do. "" "
FERB Fletcher (Ferb Fletcher) / sound by Thomas Sangster dialogue Danny Jacob chapter sing
sex. Man
age - Phineas but not more than 15 years
high - than the Buford
nationality - English
.A father named lo - FERB Lane patch Fletcher and stepmother name Linda Flynn / Fletcher. He often collaborated with FERB filing, to say the least, and he likes, Vanessa, เฟนช violation in daughter of Dr. look เฟนช Merz with you
.Candace Flynn (Candace Flynn) / sound by Ashley Tisdale
- Phineas FERB's sister and a tattletale. When seeing a younger generation of. Watch Mommy, if seen, but it's never Sue made it
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