Flowchart owner เริ่มจากเก็บข้อมูล All food items and details ต่อที่เก็บข้อมูล The report of food in the kitchen and check Quality food และเจ้าของร้านสามารถดูการทำงานของพนักงานและพ่อครัวได้จากกล้อง และเก็บข้อมูลยอดขายเสมอ
All information collected from owner Flowchart food items and details of The storage report: food in the kitchen and check.Food Quality and restaurant owners can see the work of the staff and chefs from the camera and store sales data.
Flowchart owner from storage All food items and details on the data The Report of Food in kitchen and Check The Quality Food and store owners can see the work of the staff and chefs from the camera. And always store sales
Flowchart owner starting from the data All food items and details per storage The report of food in the kitchen and check Quality. Food and owner can see the work of employees and chef from the camera. Data collection and sales always