You make me feel very dejected no need to sit to reconcile a men like you. ผู้ชายอย่างคุณทำให้ฉันเซงและเสียเวลามาก ฉันไม่มีความจำเป็นที่จะต้อองมาง้อคนแบบคุณเลยสักนิด
You make me feel very dejected no need to sit to reconcile a men like you.Guys like you make me a huge waste of time and. I have no need to try to conciliate the people wish you were ongma more expensive.
You make me feel very dejected no need to sit to reconcile a men like you. a man like you make me dejected and waste of time. I don't need to you to reconcile people like you at all.