By the symbols and the meaning that is used instead of the variable in the studies are as follows: Tobin's Q = Economic performance (times).ROE = return on equity (%)Total Return = the total rate of return on investment (ROI)LNCOMD = measured value using the Log of the Compensation Committee. And Auditing (baht)LNCOME = Log value using the measure of compensation management and Auditing (baht)OWENSHIPD = proportion of shareholders, Board of Directors And Auditing (per cent)OWENSHIPE = the proportion of shares held by the management and Auditing (per cent)INFLATION = inflation (per cent)Profit = net profit at XI – year (baht)Measurement using the LNTA = Log total assets (THB)D/E = risk of repayment (total end escape ratio shareholders ' equity) (times).LNMKCAP = measured value using the Log market capitalization (baht)
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