Contrary to what many leading authorities on English, (including Fowler) say, “First …, secondly …, thirdly…,” in a list is traditionally correct and technically more perfect than “Firstly …, secondly …, thirdly…”. This is because “first” is one of the relatively few adjectives which do not change their form when they become adverbs, unlike "second" and "third". Another such adjective is “fast”.
Contrary to what many leading authorities on English, (including Fowler) say, "First ..., secondly ..., thirdly...," in a list is traditionally correct and technically more perfect than "Firstly ..., secondly ..., thirdly...". This is because "first" is one of the relatively few adjectives which do not change their form when they become adverbs, unlike "second" and "third". Another such adjective is "fast".
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Contrary to what many leading authorities on English, (including Fowler) say, "First ..., secondly ..., thirdly ...," in a list is traditionally correct and technically more perfect than "Firstly ..., secondly ..., thirdly ...". This is because "first" is one of the relatively few adjectives which do not change their form when they become adverbs, unlike "second" and "third". Another such adjective is "fast".
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Contrary to what many leading authorities on English, (including Fowler) say, "First... Secondly,,,... Thirdly..." in a list. Is traditionally correct and technically more perfect than "Firstly... Secondly,,... Thirdly...". This is because "first is." One of the relatively few adjectives which do not change their form when they, become adverbs unlike "second and third." ""Another such adjective is "fast".
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..