6. transparency (Transparency).6.1 basic principles. Professional accounting practice with transparency without distortion or unwanted obscure reviews found at benefit. There is good governance and can be verified.6.2 specifications.6.2.1 account professional performance required by transparency. Monitor.6.2.2 account, professional people involved and affected by the professional accounting practices can access relevant information. Convenient as it is necessary and appropriate for an unforgettable case.7. independence (Independence).7.1 basic principles. Professional accounting practice with professional independence under the account framework. In order to provide our professional trusted account.7.2 specifications.7.2.1 account must use professional discretion independently under professional accounting framework.7.2.2 must not perform accounting professional. Their work lacked independence under professional accounting framework.8. performance standards (Professional Standards).8.1 basic principles to professional accounting practices by healthcare standards, by interacting with the work plan and to gather information and evidence sufficient to. Perform the task.8.2 requirements8.2.1 professional accounting, professional services consistent with the professional standards related technical.8.2.2 Professional accounts must be implemented carefully and with skill by the professional standards related technical.9. responsibility for compliance (Accountability).9.1 basic principles. Professional accounting practice with responsibilities to achieve reliable and beneficial to the people, under the framework of professional from the healthcare accounts.9.2 specifications.9.2.1 Professional accounts must also have responsibilities under the framework of professional per recipient. Services to shareholders, the person or partnership legal entities providing professional accounting duties.9.2.2 Professional account must perform to achieve reliable and beneficial to people under a professional framework.For any professional involved in the original Act, but who use the word "legal" 2505 (1962) to define the guidelines to conduct professional practices of the professional literature, a "legal audit" Professional (professional Code of ethics-Auditor) and have been given legal Auditors was divided into 5 categories.1. independence. Accuracy and honesty2. knowledge and performance standards3. professional ethics.4. professional ethics professional friends5. General legalLater, professional accounting Act 2547 (2004) require professional or registered with the Federation, which is in the introduction to this. Professional direct control, including accounting and auditor who is obliged to follow the code of ethics of the professional account. By defining the subject of the ethics of the profession. Is as follows:1. transparency, independence. Accuracy and honesty2. knowledge and performance standards3. the responsibility for patients and the confidentiality4. liability towards the shareholders, as a partner or the person or legal entity acting, professional.If you do not follow this code of conduct. The law is regarded as an ethical and an ethics penalty of 4:1. discipline is a book.2. to reprimand for3. the business registration license or prohibit healthcare at an ethics with the timing, but not exceeding three years.4. the license revocation revocation of registration, or to order them from a member Federation.It also has been given to the Ethics Committee in the Federation to consider how interrogate or professional who is registered with an ethics-based Federation with those allegations, and to have the power to punish those who order an ethics.The Federation has drafted the accusation for anyone who would accuse professional account in case of wrong code of conduct in the matter, which may be used as an example code of conduct that may be alleged. Grouped by topic, code of conduct.1. any action may bring dignity, caring professional corruption accounts.2. do not perform their duties in accordance with the auditing standards or any other related standards that define accounting profession Act 2547 (2004)3. healthcare accounts with no integrity4. use powers without any violent or using their influence to benefit any person for himself or another person, or do not get jobs.5. obtain or accept property or any benefits for themselves or others without prior approval or any person employed people who are involved in the work on employment.6. advertising or other advertising that allow healthcare beyond reality.7. assemble the profession beyond their capabilities.8. discard the work that has been done without a valid reason.9. signed as a professional for their own accounts have not been made. Check or manual control.10. disclose the secrets of his work have been done without permission from the employment.11. take a job from another professional in the same side.12. get to work on the same piece of work or with another healthcare. Without a valid authorization based on roles and it does not let the other know professional advance.13. the use or copy the images or documents relating to the work of another professional in the same side. Without permission14. any act by willfully, as was an unforgettable reputation or other professional work on the same side.The other 15.To see how to do the some fault may be considered to violate code of conduct. Several, such as healthcare, with no honest local mosque.
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