I. Introduction
.Structure determination in solid materials that the most stable (minimal energy or energy). To make aware of the relationship between atoms. Which is very important in drying process the science.The process of the study may take over the 1 years. In order to calculate the energy properly. Therefore, we find new ways to reduce the บวณ such option in order to reduce the forecasting process structure.Which this process easier and cheaper cost of the experiment in the laboratory is very much. It can also be used to detect various materials at normal trials cannot do, such as the structure at the pressure condition within the planet larger.That can be applied to synthetic and application to use
.That we do not know anything about the structure with low energy. The reason is the บวณ search random structure or Ab initio random structure searching which act บวณ this ี้จะ relies on the requirements and principles of the science to serve.Efficient and can be used alongside the theory of functional density or DFT to obtain a stable structure. In this research, develop a java program of the search process structure and use the program VASP 5.2 for calculating DFT
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