In the preparation for the ceremony, it will be configured with the old-time people begin preparing for a Candle Flower bushes butt is made from banana leaves and topped the young girls where they will be prepared to take care of kitchen.It contains a food, such as spicy words will be synonymous with a windfall which means that the lucky Spa es it was a fortune to eat pork liver recipe bread and other ancient people of the morning for the day he married his bride will have to wake up early in the morning, andThe unit will be a golden silk embroidered with the bracelets gold wrist before a groom will arrive at the bride would have paid respect to their parents and their families, according to the ceremony which is a show of gratitude to the birth and brought up.of gold, and his sister, it is a request for B, and the need to get married before their Pi which, in accordance with tradition, Lao elder brother should be married before you have holidays, and when a good time for about 9 o'clock is a auspiciousIt was the groom's money will be carrying his sword as well as a silk flowers and a candle and a groom's friend, a single people to hold an umbrella over his relatives and close friends, it would be to groom to dance, sing folk songs at any time when the procession a procession of the bride.Use gold belt is not blocked by a groom in a door, it must be entered into negotiations with the duty to watch the entrance to let the bride to his house to negotiate a deal case, and the porters, and money to try to pass through the golden belt standing in.It is the most fun of the work when you go through customs, and then be required to remove shoes to wash his feet with fragrant flowers, which is the minimum age, relatives of the bride (most of the children) before you step into a house at the brideWhen you have finished your foot washing ceremony older relatives of the bride who will be holding a house have come a long way to go to the great hall to do the ceremony and topped with the well as the blessed with the bride and groom, the bride and groom at the grand opening ceremony will be required to eat eggs every visitor can see they looked at each other, smiled and fell. The ceremony topped it takes about 30 - 45 minutes.When you have a reasonable period of time in the ceremony topped member will take to bride and groom into the tower, the tower or the bedroom is to be held by their parents and older relatives, there is a smooth transition to a life style sheetsin the bedroom, my parents and older relatives will be a blessing, and in the doctrine of life, happiness and prosperity before they went out to a hosted lunch for making a long time tradition in the evening, there will be a party with friends and people who know the bridal pair
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