Energy equal to 107.46 kcal, protein, fat and ash is equal to 3.06 and 11.94 14.09 g respectively, and vitamin B1, Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 is equal to 2450.61 and 1378.68 248.23 0.210 mg respectively.
107.46 kilo calories of energy, protein, fat and ash were 14.09 and 11.94, respectively, and 3.06 grams of vitamin B1, Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 is 0.210 248.23 1378.68 and 2450.61 mg respectively.
The power of 107.46 kilocalorie, protein, fat and ash, and was 14.09 11.94 3.06 g, respectively, and the vitamin B1. Omega, Omega and omega 3 6 9 was 0.210 and 248.23 1378.68 2450.61 mg.