Kyat (Kyat) is the currency of Myanmar kyat equivalent to about 1 * 26 Baht Thailand Myanmar Kyat (mmk) is the official currency of Myanmar Myanmar Kyat 1 = 26.0460 THB Thailand.
Kyats (kyats) is the currency of Myanmar kyats equals approximately 26 * 1 baht, Thai, Myanmar (Burma) kyats (MMK) is the official currency of Myanmar 26.0460 Myanmar kyats = 1 baht, Thai.
จ๊าด (จ๊าด) is a currency of Burma * 26 จ๊าด equal to approximately 1 Thai Baht จ๊าด Burma (MMK) in a currency's official Burmese Burmese จ๊าด 26.0460 = 1 Thai baht.