E-commerce Indonesia Still Seeking Identity2012/05/08 Share on faceboo การแปล - E-commerce Indonesia Still Seeking Identity2012/05/08 Share on faceboo อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

E-commerce Indonesia Still Seeking

E-commerce Indonesia Still Seeking Identity
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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Indonesia has 55 million internet users, with 57 percent choosing to shop online. However, there are no legal rules that govern the security of online transactions. Given the association of e-commerce, more and more companies are expected to e-commerce that could be legally liable.

It is delivered Daniel Tumiwa, Country Manager Multiply.com is believed to be the Chairman of the board of E-Commerce Association of Indonesia (IDEA) which was inaugurated today, Thursday (03/05/2012) in Jakarta.

"So far, e-commerce transactions refer to the ITE Act. Government is cooking the new rules governing the implementation of the Act. Purpose of this association would be, to aid the government analyze the needs of the industry," explains Daniel Kompas.com when met after the press conference.

According to Daniel, e-commerce law in Indonesia is not yet clear, since e-commerce has a diverse business models. Each business model must have different legal rules, tailored to their needs.

Four business models most widely used in Indonesia are as follows:

1. Marketplace
That is where the gathering of sellers and buyers in one website. In the marketplace will find the integration of payment and shipping. For example BliBli.com, Multiply.com, Plasa.com, and Tokpedia.com.

2. Classified Ads
is a transaction that occurs because of classified ads on the website. The business model like this the most difficult to trace because most transactions occur offline. Online classified ads serve only as information, not the transaction. For example Berniaga.com, Kaskus.us, and Tokobagus.com.

3. Daily Deals
Business models such as these benefit customers as there are always discounts and exciting offers every day. More and more prospective buyers, then the discount will be even greater. For example DealGoing.com.

4. Online Retail
That is already successful retail company to transact business in the realm of offline and online to move into the realm of expanding the market. For example Bhinneka.com and Gramedia.com.

In addition to the rules are not clear because of the many business models, the constraints of e-commerce in Indonesia is the lack of education to the community as customers. For that this association will be working.

"This association will set the standard for corporate membership of e-commerce. Companies wishing to become members of such should be incorporated, must have 24-hour customer service, and other standards. We have not been able to publish the standard as to what. But our hope is, members of the association will a company can be trusted by customers because it has these standards, "added Daniel.
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E-commerce Indonesia Still Seeking Identity
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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Indonesia has 55 million internet users, with 57 percent choosing to shop online. However, there are no legal rules that govern the security of online transactions. Given the association of e-commerce, more and more companies are expected to e-commerce that could be legally liable.

It is delivered Daniel Tumiwa, Country Manager Multiply.com is believed to be the Chairman of the board of E-Commerce Association of Indonesia (IDEA) which was inaugurated today, Thursday (03/05/2012) in Jakarta.

"So far, e-commerce transactions refer to the ITE Act. Government is cooking the new rules governing the implementation of the Act. Purpose of this association would be, to aid the government analyze the needs of the industry," explains Daniel Kompas.com when met after the press conference.

According to Daniel, e-commerce law in Indonesia is not yet clear, since e-commerce has a diverse business models. Each business model must have different legal rules, tailored to their needs.

Four business models most widely used in Indonesia are as follows:

1. Marketplace
That is where the gathering of sellers and buyers in one website. In the marketplace will find the integration of payment and shipping. For example BliBli.com, Multiply.com, Plasa.com, and Tokpedia.com.

2. Classified Ads
is a transaction that occurs because of classified ads on the website. The business model like this the most difficult to trace because most transactions occur offline. Online classified ads serve only as information, not the transaction. For example Berniaga.com, Kaskus.us, and Tokobagus.com.

3. Daily Deals
Business models such as these benefit customers as there are always discounts and exciting offers every day. More and more prospective buyers, then the discount will be even greater. For example DealGoing.com.

4. Online Retail
That is already successful retail company to transact business in the realm of offline and online to move into the realm of expanding the market. For example Bhinneka.com and Gramedia.com.

In addition to the rules are not clear because of the many business models, the constraints of e-commerce in Indonesia is the lack of education to the community as customers. For that this association will be working.

"This association will set the standard for corporate membership of e-commerce. Companies wishing to become members of such should be incorporated, must have 24-hour customer service, and other standards. We have not been able to publish the standard as to what. But our hope is, members of the association will a company can be trusted by customers because it has these standards, "added Daniel.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
E-Commerce Indonesia Still Seeking Identity.
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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Indonesia has 55 Million internet users, with 57 Percent choosing to Shop online. However, there are no legal rules that govern the security of online transactions. Given The association of E-Commerce, more and more companies are expected to E-Commerce that could be Legally liable. It is Delivered Daniel Tumiwa, Country Manager Multiply.com is believed to be The Chairman of The board of E-Commerce Association of. Indonesia (IDEA) which was inaugurated today, Thursday (03/05/2012) in Jakarta. "So Far, E-Commerce Transactions refer to The ITE Act. Government is Cooking The New Rules Governing The implementation of The Act. Purpose of this. association would be, to Aid The Government Analyze The Needs of The Industry, "explains Daniel met Kompas.com When After The Press Conference. According to Daniel, E-Commerce Law in Indonesia is Not yet clear, since E-Commerce has a diverse. business models. Each business must Have Different legal Model Rules, tailored to their Needs. Four business models Most Used widely in Indonesia are As follows:. 1. Marketplace That is Where The Buyers and Sellers Gathering of Website in One. In the marketplace will find the integration of payment and shipping. For example BliBli.com, Multiply.com, Plasa.com, and Tokpedia.com. 2. Classified Ads is a transaction that occurs Because of classified ads on The Website. The business model like this the most difficult to trace because most transactions occur offline. Online classified ads serve only as information, not the transaction. For example Berniaga.com, Kaskus.us, and Tokobagus.com. 3. Daily Deals Business Customers Benefit As these models Such As there are Always Exciting Offers and Discounts Every Day. More and more prospective buyers, then the discount will be even greater. For example DealGoing.com. 4. Online Retail Company to Transact That is Already Successful retail business in The realm of offline and online to move Into The realm of The EXPANDING market. For example Bhinneka.com and Gramedia.com. In addition to The Rules are clear Not Because of The Many business models, The constraints of E-Commerce in Indonesia is The Lack of Education to The Community As Customers. For that this association Will be Working. "This association Will Set The standard for Corporate membership of E-Commerce. Companies Wishing to Become Members of Such should be Incorporated, must Have 24-Hour customer Service, and Other Standards. We Have Not been. able to publish the standard as to what. But our hope is, members of the association will a company can be trusted by customers because it has these standards, "added Daniel.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
E-commerce Indonesia Still Seeking Identity
2012 / 05 / 08
Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore. Sharing Services1
JAKARTA KOMPAS.com - Indonesia, has 55 million, Internet users with 57 percent choosing to shop, online. However there are, no legal rules that govern the security of online transactions. Given the association, of e-commerceMore and more companies are expected to e-commerce that could be legally liable.

It is delivered, Daniel Tumiwa Country. Manager Multiply.com is believed to be the Chairman of the board of E-Commerce Association of Indonesia (IDEA) which was. Inaugurated, today Thursday (03 / 05 / 2012) in Jakarta.

"So far e-commerce transactions, refer to the ITE Act.Government is cooking the new rules governing the implementation of the Act. Purpose of this association, would be to. Aid the government analyze the needs of the industry, "explains Daniel Kompas.com when met after the press conference.

According. To Daniel e-commerce law, in Indonesia is not yet clear since e-commerce, has a diverse business models.Each business model must have different legal rules tailored to, their needs.

Four business models most widely used in. Indonesia are as follows:

1. Marketplace
That is where the gathering of sellers and buyers in one website. In the marketplace. Will find the integration of payment and shipping. For example BliBli.com Multiply.com Plasa.com and,,, Tokpedia.com.

, 2. Classified Ads
.Is a transaction that occurs because of classified ads on the website. The business model like this the most difficult. To trace because most transactions occur offline. Online classified ads serve only, as information not the transaction.? For example, and Kaskus.us Berniaga.com, Tokobagus.com.

3. Daily Deals
.Business models such as these benefit customers as there are always discounts and exciting offers every day. More and more. Prospective buyers then the, discount will be even greater. For example DealGoing.com.

4. Online Retail
That is already. Successful retail company to transact business in the realm of offline and online to move into the realm of expanding the. Market. For example Bhinneka.COM and Gramedia.com.

In addition to the rules are not clear because of the many, business models the constraints of e-commerce. In Indonesia is the lack of education to the community as customers. For that this association will be working.

"This Association. Will set the standard for corporate membership of e-commerce. Companies wishing to become members of such should, be incorporatedMust have 24-hour, customer service and other standards. We have not been able to publish the standard as to what. But. Our, hope is members of the association will a company can be trusted by customers because it has standards these, added. " Daniel.
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