June 15 the Government published website 2559 command, leader of the National Council for peace 28/basic education, 2559 (2016) 15 years without charge by stating that, according to the national education law, which defines the State must provide the person receiving basic education, not less than 12 years without charge it. Past government policies of such education without charge for a period of 15 years without 2552 January 13 Cabinet approval set the annual budget and to expand the scope of Government policy actions, each Board of the order. The head of the national peace Committee considered this matter in accordance with the policy of the Board of education of the National Council for peace, and the Government's education reform policy can reduce inequality. To create educational opportunities and fairness in society. Solve the problem of poverty, as well as promote the development of human resources, and consistent with the needs of the people. Such an approach is confirmed and further development. With the boost from the Government policies of each project, is the duty of the State and the legal measures to secure permanence and budgeting support continuously.
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