Day. The day the Pope อรหันต Buddha you show พระปฐมเทศนา or display of the first after Enlightenment has 2 months. The day started enshrined Buddhism because there are elements.The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This event occurs before the era 45 years in full moon (up 15 dinner) months 8 moon undergo magh auspicious
.The show พระปฐมเทศนา, hath shown to the presentment at the deer ปตน phloem District Varanasi is currently Sarnath, Varanasi preaching that show. Push, when to end. พระโกณฑัญญะ. One of the presentment.พระโกณฑัญญะ พระวัปปะ. พระภัททิยะ. The nouns and, พระอัสสชิ, ดวงตาเห็นธรรม is seen clearly that
.ยํ ki girl Ji สมุท you ธมฺ มํ process of พนฺ position to know. ธมฺม Nam)
something happen naturally. Anything that is put to a normal
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