The Swedish
.The Swedish culture is culture simple no hierarchy, and open to get the opinion everyone. The value of these when integrated with ethics practiced long fused together until eventually a Swedish culture
.This culture is built on the concept to support people in society. Swedish lifestyle is humility and equality. Believe in personal potential to create success for the public!Try to read the story with a particular type of Sweden, whether it is food, celebration, sports and weather, to see that they are different from other countries?
. All equalIt is known that the Swedes have a habit of generous humble and open to diversity. We everyone was born equal. To support each other and to develop the public. ไม่มีใครสำคัญ than anyone, especially in business.Hejhej! ""Which is both a greeting when meet, and good-bye (which is the same as the word" hello "later, in Thai, or the word" Aloha "in Hawaiian)
"filet." coffee time
.When referring to coffee, if say only that coffee is important to life in Sweden still listen to not strong enough, because actually, we don't drink coffee, especially during the morning. But we drink coffee all day. At every opportunity.Each person is often have coffee cup in hand, called if you work with business people Wieden it. Don't forget to prepare coffee ready
. Don't at the wrong timePunctuality is important, whether it is a meeting date, or dinner. If a หนึ่งทุ่ม. That means one o'clock and our tradition before entering the house. Take off your shoes. Even if your feet are always smell.To prepare the shoes in the home it
. Favorite floor ball gameThis ball is a sport similar to ice hockey. Only play on the floor wooden or concrete instead of as the ice, each team will have the player 6 people. Played by wood, plastics, hit the ball to the goal.Where there's a hole in the floor around the ball ball is a game that requires high speed, fun, exciting, if you tried to play, the game will know our favorite how fun!
national unbiased
.Sweden is a country that unbiased. We don't like and don't want to cause conflicts. We like to compromise. And listen to everyone summary, or decide what to do. It may take longer.But as soon as we decide what can stop, because everyone is the same one
ice hockey sports in the blood
.Ice hockey ice hockey is a sport or other type Swedes favor. We think we have the size of ice hockey in the blood. We like to think of the Swedish people all over the world like sports? And when talking about ice hockey.Tre Kronor that crowned world champion to 6 modern
enjoy every festival!Sweden has many festivals, holiday for everyone to have time to relax and to celebrate with family and friends. The seasonal change is the important moments. For light, and light gives us a creative activities and celebration.After the darkness in the winter!
a spring festival celebration of Easter (P å sken) to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to return Major holiday in this period, is Good Friday (L å ngfredagen)
.During the Easter festival celebration including Easter witches (P å SKK ä rringar) children dressed as a witch with a broom, a jewelry. Out door homes, and say, "Glad P å SK!"To be sweet or silver coins in return!On the last day of April will be the Walpurgis Night (Valborgsm ä ssoafton) to welcome the spring, people will do the activity around the campfire. (Valborgsm ä ssob å L). The greeting of spring and the songs together
. Summer FestivalThere is a festival to celebrate the festival, including one national day Sweden (SverigesNationaldag) which falls on 6 downloads of every year, the people will participate in all activities. Such as playing music, dance, speech, and decorated with flagsIn various important festival will be decorated with flags, including birthday celebration But if there is a mourning happened to flag down the pilasters
.Another important festival and holiday period is Midsommar was close to the date of 21 June. People will celebrate the summer dance around the pole Maypole decorated with beautiful flowers and foliage
.The festival in the fall and winter
.The celebration of the day of Saint Lucia Luciadagen on 13 December. To commemorate the death of Saint Lucia, which sacrificed his life to Christianity.Also, the new year's celebration (Ny å RET) and during the first month of the year, the shop, bread baking to remember the biodiesel cream bread called Semlor
.The game of the heart to Bandy
.Bandy sport of people. Sport is another type that is unique to Sweden. Players will wear skate play on the ice with ice hockey, each team has a player 11, using a bat made of wood, hit the ball cork wood overlaid with red ropeGet the warmth of sunshine
The night Walpurgis or called Valborg is a celebration held on the 30 1 April or may. This is the end of winter darkness and long-lasting. To welcome the spring. Swedish will come out do activity around the bonfire.
the fish herring and meatballs
.The most famous food of Sweden. The first one is a ball or balls meat served with boiled potatoes. Topped with brown sauce cream rich and sweet sauce made from the wild berry named Lin gun Berry (lingonberry).The menu, which are equally is. Pickled herring fish with Dill Mustard and onions, which is
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