It is known that the service sector are extremely important สำา whole of economy of the world and regions
of the association of the latest figures in 2009 value of the service sector is the proportion of 63.4 (or almost approximately two-thirds)
.National productivity of world (World Gross Domestic Product: GDP) (IMF 2010) in the ASEAN region. The service sector
a high proportion of the มาณร. However 40-50 of GDP of member countries, the export value in the service sector of
.The ASEAN market, grow up continuously from 57.4 billion US dollars in 2009. 1998 is on 153.2 billion dollars
the United States in 2007 in part of this. Import services is likely to grow by more similar, from the 66.5 billion dollars
us in 1999. 1998 is about 176.3 billion US dollars in 2009. 2007 (ASEAN Secretariat 2009).
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