The principle and the theory of plant layout system (Systematic Layout Planning; SLP) is a process plant layout that focus on the correlation between the stations or activities. That should be placed close to each other or not. Then consider the level of intimacy, each one pair of stations until all the pairs by trying to various stations, a work load balance. The measures to reduce the distance and reduce the time for moving material less contribute to the performance. At the same time, it can also produce products meet the needs of SLP was applied to solve the problem of plant layout in many forms. Depending on the nature of the problems, such as the principle of SLP used to improve the process.Wood furniture manufacturing to increase productivity [3] plant layout design with the principle SLP can also นำไปประยุกต์ใช้ with other theories such as Plant layout improvement with the principle SLP with using theory of line balancing of the factory air. To solve the material handling with the distance too. In case the problem is relative complicated things. Some of the principles of plant layout to develop a computer program to help put the plant layout work is made easier, such as Moore and 5 Lee [] the principle SLP to develop a program layout according to the relationship of the Department (Computerized Relation Layout Planning; CORELAP). To reduce the complexity of the converting relationship charts out a plant layout When the plant layout design and to evaluate the efficiency of the plant layout is designed to ensure the design new layout efficiency better. Such as the use of Layout Score (LS), which is the multiplication between Numerical Closeness Rating (NCR) and distance (Distance) in the evaluation of efficiency. By LS more precious little plant layout, the more effective. Also, the use of computer software in modeling situations, such as the program as a tool in the evaluation of Arena plant layout The simulation program Arena, is a technique that makes the time used in the system, such as time work waiting time of the workpiece. And the time used in the hair.
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