From the study of the distribution and density of the bird! You dont excretions from the pigs, birds, and the haunches! You dont white in Muang district of Phitsanulok province, from March to June 2556, using methods Line transects 500 M 6 number of routes found thatand from a comparison of the various types of food crops that result in the spread of bird! You dont use the samples of food crops, birds, by the sample conversion (quadrate) size 1 X 1 meters per route 3 points total 18 points9 kinds of bird found that pork addict! You dont have a positive relationship to a number of types of food crops (R 2 = 0.419.) and a variety of food crops (2 = 0.620 R) and white stork, the haunches! You dont have a negative relationship to a number of types of food crops R 2 = 0.807 and a variety of food crops (2 = 0.684 R)
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